Thursday, November 8, 2007

I Want to Make Art

It's been a desire of mine for awhile now to not just see, interpret, analyze, critique, and write about art, but also make art. Sometimes I know exactly what I want to do and have this amazing idea. The last week or so I've given a lot of thought to what subject I want to tackle. I've always felt art is a creative expression of some part of the human existence. Sometimes that is manifested in very literal, illusionistic pieces, like those of the Italian Renaissance, Dutch Baroque period, and so on. Other times they are non-objective works that are abstraction such as Jackson Pollock and Donald Judd. Both, one way or another, display a facet of life. What I'm trying to figure out is what aspect of my existence do I want to portray. What subject gets me so excited, that I want to produce something that says "This is part of my reality." I've had several things in mind, which at this time are too nascent to even put out there. Hopefully I will come to a conclusion soon as to my subject matter. Then I will tackle what I want to say about it, and what the best method of doing that is. Wish me luck!

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